
Saturday, August 4, 2012

The kind of conservative you just might respect

I'm a gun-toting, constitution-loving conservative.
I'm also a nurse who pays through the nose for insurance. I worked my way through school to get my degree. I'm adamantly pro life, but I think medicating an 80 year old for high cholesterol is a waste (because the side effects are possibly worse than the benefits). I do not presume to define someone's quality of life for him or her. If a severely handicapped individual (whether old or young) finds joy or purpose, who am I to say that  s/he's better off dead?
I believe the Bible is God's love letter to mankind, with blessings and warnings. Those warnings are against behaviors that separate us from each other or put us in danger. Those behaviors are called "sin." 
I have good friends that participate in what the Bible calls sin. I still love them where they're at. I won't deny someone a job because of his or her sin (unless it is contraindicated, such as stealing or violence). Whether "gay" or "straight," if you're a jerk, it will be harder to like you, but I will still try to be kind.
I believe we are made in God's image, no matter what color.
I shouldn't care whether people like me or not, but I sometimes do. I am not responsible for other people's thoughts, feelings and actions. Even so, I walk and speak circumspectly.
I am not impressed with statistics. In my job I have learned "statistics don't lie, just tell me what you want them to say."
Correlation does not imply causation.
I take a Biblical perspective on immigration. It's not what you think! (Unless you've been reading my blog, that is.)
If you challenge me on a belief, I will go to God's word and find out what He says. If you are right and I'm wrong, I'll try to thank you.

If we disagree politically, I don't need you to like me, but I do desire your respect. I hope this essay helped earn it.


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