
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Leviticus 18 and 19

Soooo, I started out thinking I'd post on each chapter as I read it. The first chapter I read since deciding to log my thoughts? Leviticus 18, which is devoted almost entirely to defining types of sexual relationships that are wrong. The Bible has a lot to say about sex. I guess it should, since God invented it in the first place. But since I want to keep this family friendly, I'll pass on the commentary. You can look it up.

Chapter 19 has wonderful guidelines for basic civic conduct, infection control, agriculture, generosity, kindness and avoiding occult practices. I feel it is a snapshot of how intimate our Father is, how caring and how protective He is. He's not just caring and protective of me, He also cares for those in need.

vs. 1-4. God's holiness.
5-8. Peace offerings and what to do with leftovers.
9-10. Generosity and faith in God's provision. Think of the story of Ruth gleaning from Boaz' field (Ruth chapter 2).
11-18. forbidding of stealing, lying, teasing the handicapped, bias in judgment, gossip, hatred, taking revenge. Of note, here and elsewhere, judges are to show no favoritism to either the poor or the rich.
19. Dad and I used to discuss this verse and others similar to it. I believe it has economic ramifications. For example, it might have been cheaper to make a garment out of wool and linen cloth, but it wouldn't give the warmth a buyer might be expecting, i.e., false advertising. I surmise that purity of herds, crops and garments is also symbolic in nature. I don't believe it is a sin to wear 60/40 cotton and polyester. I even have a wool blend coat! Is my heart, however, 60/40?
20-22. I haven't figured out.
23-24 talks about fruit planted in a new land. It reminds me of some of the "transitional" orchards, or the California standards of "organic" fruit. Why shouldn't we consider the Bible has good, scientific, "green" teachings?
26-31 seem to illustrate occult practices to avoid. (When I was a kid, I thought this included not piercing or tattooing oneself. I still think tattoos are a bad idea, but piercing ears and even noses is scriptural.)
29. Don't sell your child into prostitution.
30. Keep the Sabbaths holy.
31. Respect the elderly.
32-34. Kindness to strangers (aliens) in your land. Many times Scripture instructs us to be good to the fatherless, the alien and the stranger. I've looked at this one from many angles. Maybe I'll write about it later.
35-36. Just balances and measurements
37. Obey God's law, God is the LORD (hwhy yehovah).

I'd love to read any comments about chapter 19. I hope it opens your eyes to God's character and His high (but good!) standards.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a lot of interesting things for me to think about today. Much of this reminds me of Randy Pausch's line "It's always right to do what's right."
