
Saturday, February 22, 2014

#TheSongofDeborah part 3 by #mrfb

Last week, Sisera convinced Heber to stop helping Israel. Deborah and Lapidoth are in a rough spot in their marriage. Barak has something dreadful in his history but is about to step into his destiny.


Jael and Heber lean over opposite sides of the anvil. He cradles his broken arm against his chest. She opens her hand above the anvil.

JAEL: Ready? Give me your hand.

Heber starts to extend his right arm with his left, then stops. He shakes his head.

JAEL: Come on, the swelling’s down, so now’s the time. Give me your hand.
HEBER: It doesn’t matter now.
JAEL: What do you mean? You’re right handed. You need this arm.

Heber looks away.

HEBER: Not any more. I’m finished.
JAEL: You’re not finished, Heber. I can run the smithy until you’re better. You know I’m good with a hammer.
HEBER: It’s not just the business. It’s the threats, the harassment. I can’t live this way any longer. I give up.

Heber drops his head. Jael puts her finger under his chin. They look into each other’s eyes.

JAEL: If that is what you wish. Yes, let’s return to Sinai, to our own people. We’ll start over. With fresh ore. No more scrap metal! No more threats, no more Sisera.
HEBER: Imagine: to no longer have to serve evil men. To not have to feed enemy as well as friend. Yes, let’s return home! Only–
JAEL: Only what?
HEBER: Only we cannot.
JAEL: It’s been a long time. Our people may have forgiven, even forgotten. Isn’t it worth the chance?
HEBER: I’ll not have you shunned and shamed. The price I will pay is one matter, but you, Jael? No, we cannot go back. Set my arm, Jael. We will stay.

Heber lays his arm across the anvil.
Jael braces herself, pulls hard on Heber’s arm. Heber cries out above the GRINDING of bone, passes out.


Spindly flowers sag near the entrance of Barak’s stone house. A donkey mouths a spike of crab grass.
Barak kisses his sisters MESHA, NAOMI, SARAH and EVIE. He tussles Bennoam’s hair.
Their lovely sister NOAH hands Barak his traveling pack. As he takes it, her opened hand reveals a hideous scar. It is old enough that neither of them notice it.
Barak ties his pack to the donkey’s back.

NOAH: Do be careful, Barak.
BARAK: I will. I shouldn’t be more than a couple of days. Don’t forget our emergency plan.

Noah rolls her eyes dramatically, recites in singsong.

NOAH: If trouble, go to old man Harhas’ in Kedesh, or to Aunt Mim’s past the hill. Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t play with flint and steel. We’ll be fine, Barak.
BARAK: I know you will. Keep Ben out of trouble.
BARAK: And Ben?
BARAK: Keep Noah out of trouble.
BENNOAM: You got it!

Ben sticks his tongue out at Noah, pulls it back in before Barak can see him.


Eighty PEOPLE in small groups form a crooked line heading up a hill. Some hold objects or animals. Most frown.
Three fresh-faced teenage girls, TAMAR, ABBY and AZUBAH, walk about, interviewing people and writing on clay tablets.
Under a palm tree, Deborah speaks to two MEN. A low table before her is bare except for a handful of documents on one corner weighted by a chunk of glassy blue slag.
Next to Deborah stands PEREZ, a nice-looking teenager with peach fuzz starting on his lip and chin. Perez busily writes. He shakes his hand to relieve a cramp, writes again.

Yards away, sweaty and dusty, Barak dismounts from his donkey.

BARAK: Just like you practiced, Barak. Stay calm. Just like you practiced.

Barak leads the donkey past the line. He avoids the glares and GRUMBLES of the crowd.
A strand of hair has slipped loose from Deborah's head covering and plays about the corner of her mouth. Her lively eyes dart, then fix upon her audience, then assess Barak with a piercing and pure gaze.
Feeling naked and almost swallowed by her beauty, Barak stumbles. He bangs his toe, drops the donkey’s lead. He wipes his hands on his thighs.

DEBORAH: You, sir. Who are you?

Barak swallows. He steps toward her.
The donkey follows him.
Perez, protective, draws closer to Deborah. He fingers a knife in his belt.

BARAK: I am Barak son of Abinoam of Kedesh Naphtali.
DEBORAH: Welcome, Barak son of Abinoam of Kedesh Naphtali. You must now go to your place.

Deborah gestures toward the back of the line.
Those nearby LAUGH. Deborah glares. They stop.

BARAK: (stammers) Judge Deborah, I didn't come all this way to talk about goats and petty offenses. I come about Sisera’s move on Zaanaim!

Deborah jumps to her feet, bumping the table. Papers scatter. Barak catches the blue slag before it falls.
Deborah clenches Barak’s arm. She lowers her voice.

DEBORAH: Sisera’s move on Zaanaim?
BARAK: Yes. Something’s going on. Sisera is raising tents on the plain.

Deborah signals Perez.

DEBORAH: That is all for today.

Perez nods, turns to the two Men and speaks with them. The Men frown and gesture, but they leave. Perez calls to the other Assistants.

PEREZ: Tamar! Abby! Sis! Judge Deborah has called recess.

Deborah lowers her voice again so only Barak will hear.

DEBORAH: You must speak with my husband. Come.


  1. I always love reading your work! I can't wait for the rest of the story and really hope and pray that one day God blesses you with the opportunity for you have one (or all) of your screenplays produced and made into movies!
