
Thursday, January 2, 2025

When a Toddler Names You

Yesterday, New Year's Day, a toddler named me.

We were at a dear friend's house. Her daughter and family came over. Their little 2-year old took a shining to me. We played the silly things that toddlers play, from numerous "Old MacDonald" renditions to racing around a slightly crowded room. 

After a bit, he named me. He said, "Ready, Gumma?"

I don't know about you, but when a toddler names me, I fall eagerly and hopelessly in love. I remember a Thanksgiving when my husband's niece went around the table naming each of us. Papa. Bammy [Grammy]. Uncle Bommy [Tommy]. And Mimmi [yours truly]. From that moment onward, this little girl had me wrapped around her finger. She doesn't know it, but twenty plus years later, I still am wrapped around her finger!

This morning, it occurs to me that our Heavenly Father might be touched with a similar eager, deep affection when His children say His name.

Psalm 91:14 says: "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name."

"Known" is yada in Hebrew. It points to a depth of knowledge, familiarity, relationship and intimacy. Our LORD has many beautiful names in scripture. He is Savior, Kinsman Reedemer, our Banner, our Master, our Healer. Our Father.

Let's take this moment right now and ask God if there is a name He would like you to call Him? Is it Abba? Daddy? Father? Is there a special way you relate to Him, like Artist? Creator? Master Builder? Lover of your soul?

Holy Spirit, please draw us into that depth of intimacy and knowledge of You that we can name You with a name that shows all the delight, affection and trust we have in You. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

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