Things I will not miss: 2020 words & phrases
Although I have labeled these as 2020 words & phrases, I add a few from January 2021.
Covid, the Vid, SARS-2-CoV. Using it as a verb or a period of time.
Shenanigans. The height of euphemisms, conservatives use “shenanigans” as a code word for the outright illegal activity that went on the night of November 3. In my decades of staying up all night to watch the elections, I have NEVER seen polling places close and reopen with the criminal voting/data dump of that night.
Antifa. Although not new with 2020, the criminal activity of “anti fascism” became well known. “Antifa” is also a conservative code word. When we are unable to use “BLM,” we use “antifa.” We definitely know the difference of the two, but we are choosing our battles.
Unprecedented. Like Inigo Montoya, I want to say, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Abundance of caution. Translated: “We are bowing to an oppressive government but don’t want to seem like we are.”
Social distancing. The very same Vermont Board of Heath that urged “social distancing” published a Covid guide for sexual relationships. It is borderline pornographic, so I will not post the link here. Far too often, “social distancing” has made way for the height of hypocrisy.
N-95. Oh, the mascne (mask acne - I made that one up), the sore noses, the dried skin, the near permanent dents in our faces! Once readily available in any hardware store, the N95 became a rare necessity for those of caring for the victims of CoVid.
New Normal. There is nothing normal about living in fear. There is nothing normal about bowing to oppressive government restrictions. There is nothing normal about anti-religious politicians who jumped at the chance to close churches but open bars.
Quarantine. Enough said.
Impeach/impeachment. Some say $40 million dollars, some say $11million for the first sham impeachment of President Trump. In either case, what a waste of our taxes.
Beside the money, this was 33 days wasted on a bogus claim while CoVid-19 snuck into our country! The treacherous swamp clearly has the wrong priorities.
How about at least $1.8 million for the second circus? A private citizen has never before been impeached. This is a horrid erosion of our rights.